Hello I have just instaled osTicket v1.6 RC5

I have this problem:

The customer e-mail replies to a ticket, open a new one, instead of append the reply to the original ticket.

I suppose that this is a functionality included in the version v1.6 RC5 without any MOD , right? A reply to an existing ticket should not open a new ticket and should be appended to the original ticket, right? (of course if the subject contain the ticket number)

The subject of the e-mail replies are well formatted, example:

Re: This is a test message

I have test both Pipes and POP fetch system without success.

I have been searching for a long time in this Forum, but I have not found any solution.

Any suggestion? Thank you.

(sorry for my English, I am Spanish)

Anybody can help me?

Believe me, I have not found a solution for this problem in all the forums.

One known issue with osTicket is that new tickets are created when your customer is replying using a different email address than what is stored in/with the ticket. Can you check whether this is the case?

The other thing you need to check is that the ticketID is showing up in the subject. This is what osTicket uses to match the email with an existing ticket, so if it is not there, it will create a new ticket.

I have checked boht issues

Thank you for your replies.

Yes I know both issues, and yes the reply come from the same e-mail address than the one who opens the ticket, and the subject include the ticket number, for example:

Example subject

My PHP is configured to run in UTF-8 with Multibyte Strings Overloading turned on.

Thank you.

And the issue continues? Does it happen every time, or only some times? Can you try with a variety of email addresses, and see if that changes anything?

Problem solved!

Hello, finally I have solved the problem.

The problem is with this line in the pipe.php (osTicket v1.6 RC5):

if(ereg ("{1,10}",$var,$regs)) {

This line does not work correctly in my envirnment (UTF-8 with mbstrings overloading function turned on)

I have changeg the line to this new one:

if(preg_match ("",$var,$regs)) {

this functions work right.

Thank you for your replies.

Glad you got it working. And thanks for posting the solution - now others will benefit too!

18 days later

yeah - thats right for pipe'in

but whats about pop3 - i have exactly the same problem - but im using pop3 ;)


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