Hi, I had the same problem ... as I'll explain:
My problem was that the blocking server connections using TLS
walking in the \ include \ pear \ Net, I found the file smtp.php
modify the line 467
the line is something like:
if (version_compare (PHP_VERSION, '5 .1.0 ','>=') & & (isset ($ this-> _esmtp ) | | ($ this-> _esmtp == true)) ) {
replaced it with:
if (version_compare (PHP_VERSION, '6 .1.0 ','>=') & & (isset ($ this-> _esmtp ) | | ($ this-> _esmtp == true)) ) {
I guess what I got was that they connect to SMTP using TLS because that line it does is connect using TLS if the version of PHP is 5.1.0 and my version was that actually .. so I put the 6.1.0 (which does not exist) and so connected without using TLS and since then I accept the accounts and everything works perfect. :)
I hope to thee:)