3 Things I'd like

1. Batch Assign - I get a bunch of tickets all at once that I'd like to be able to select then click "Assign to" where it lists all open, unassigned tickets.

2. When viewing a ticket, I'd like to be able to have a button that says like "Take Ownership" or "Assign to Self" and it assigns it to me (Also I don't think a comment for assigning a ticket should be required). Or an option for whoever replies first to a ticket gets that ticket automatically assigned to them.

3. This one's in my opinion a big one. I'd like it so that when a ticket is created with a high priority it notifies a specific email (That like sends a text to a cell) for like when the server room is on fire or something. Also I'd like tickets created with high priority to be marked differently than normal priority tickets in email alerts.

5 days later



Perhaps this will answer the first and the second of your question:

1) ( Batch Ticket Assign)

2) (Assign To Me Link)

Sorry, I have no idea for your third question.


Masino Sinaga

    a month later


    Perhaps this will answer the first and the second of your question:

    1) ( Batch Ticket Assign)

    2) (Assign To Me Link)

    Sorry, I have no idea for your third question.


    Masino Sinaga

    Awesome, thanks. I had to change up your mod a bit because it was displaying all unassigned tickets + all closed tickets since apparently when a ticket is closed it is released.

    I guess I'll have to make something for the email alerts myself.

    12 years later

    This is a very old post, but I'm hoping someone could shed some light on #2.
    I'm looking for a way for agents to claim the ticket from the ticket list with a single click.

    Perhaps after claiming, it would open the ticket.
    Ideally, they would not have to click through the confirmation in the traditional claim link.

    Thank you in advance!
    masino_sinaga it looks like you may have provided some code many years ago. Does this still exist?

    Thanks again!

    osticket 1.15 here.

      kcwebby I'm looking for a way for agents to claim the ticket from the ticket list with a single click.

      Go to Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets
      enable Claim on Response.
      Then when they reply to the ticket they auto claim it.

      Other wise it is a 3 click process (from the ticket list), or a 2 click process while viewing the ticket.

      You can also change your Lock Semantics to Lock On View so when an Agent clicks on a ticket to view it, it adds a lock that prevents other Agents from responding (for the configured amount of time). Then do what @ntozier said and enable Claim On Response so when the Agent responds it auto-assigns it to them. So that way whichever agent clicks a ticket first a lock will be set and they respond and it’s auto-assigned.

      Thank you both for the quick reply.

      I have done both of these; but with the high number of agents, and 10-20 tickets coming in per minute, I would really like to have a link wherein they can claim the ticket, thus clearing that ticket from the queue for other agents to work other tickets. Alot of my tickets are work-queues, so there is no response, but the agent performs the task and closes the ticket. In this realm, it is not until the ticket has been worked (perhaps one or two minutes) that the ticket ownership changes.
      Some of the "responses" are just internal notes as well, I'm not sure if that claims the ticket or not, I would have to test. Either way, I'm getting a couple of agents working the same ticket, until they go to close it and find someone else has a lock on it. I would like to find a way to prevent that.


        There is a button to claim the Tickets in the Queue and on Ticket View. Click the Assign button and the top option will be Claim.


        kcwebby masino_sinaga it looks like you may have provided some code many years ago. Does this still exist?

        Unfortunately that code/modification I made for v1.6 is obsolote for the latest version of osTicket (v1.15). I think what @KevinTheJedi and @ntozier suggested above should give the solution for you.

        Not sure whether your needs have been handled by the current Claim Ticket feature in the latest version. Or, did you still want that Batch Ticket Assign feature? Please let me know.

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