According to google I should be setting the following:

Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL:

Use SSL: Yes

Port: 995

It seems that in osticket this can't be set up. I get:

Invalid login

I am starting to think that there is no way to get this integrated with gmail-hosted mail accounts!

4 days later

Yes, I think I have the same problem. Anyone have a solution?

I am surprised that no one has chimed in with any help. That leads me to think that a) it can't be done or b) no one uses this software!

For now we have switched over to helperoo, which is basic but at least works with gmail (because the way you send emails to it is via a regular forward, which makes much more sense as it is instant!)

The latest release (RC5) comes with robust POP3/IMAP support as well as SMTP for outgoing emails.

still doesn't work

Sorry - I 'upgraded' to rc6 (I use the term loosely as I had to actually reinstall) and I filled in the settings, but still no luck.

I get:

Can't connect to,995: Connection refused


Invalid login. Check POP settings

whereas if I pop over to safari I can log in fine with the details and my mail app seems to be able to connect fine.

Could it be a problem that the email address of my osticket support is the same one that I am trying to fetch from our gmail-hosted domain?

What host name are you using? is POP enabled for the email account?


Another issue to consider is ssl support in your php installation but "connection refused" error makes me think it could be configuration issue.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, pop3 is enabled because my mail client (and iphone) use it.

Good point about the configuration. This is running on hostgator... is there anything I can run (php code for instance) that would shed insight into this?

I know pretty close to 0 about php I'm afraid.

It is possible hostgator is blocking this:

$ telnet 995


telnet: connect to address Connection refused


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

I've sent them a support ticket to verify it is open.


That was the part of the problem - that was blocked by hostgator.

But - now I get this error:

Too many login failures

Is there a way to reset this? How is this being determined as I can go over and log in directly to the email from a browser fine.

Same issues

I am having the same issue too. I don't think this is an SSL related issue as it doesn't work through STunnel, and doesn't work through our non-ssl exchange server.

I am kind of stumped on this. I don't know much about PHP either.

However, it comes back and says that the username and password are incorrect, and also says too many login failures.

Too many login failures could be ssl related. I would be very interested to get to the bottom of the issue - I can be reached via PM.

Same issue

I have the same issue with 1.6

I have the same issue with 1.6

I assume you meant 1.6 RC5. It would be very helpful if you can provide me with something to work with - e.g host, port, ssl/non-ssl and phpinfo dump. You can PM the info.

Peter, I've pm'd you our link to phpinfo... I don't know what you mean by the rest!

you want the host, port, ssl info of where we are connecting to (i.e. google) or from (i.e. our server)? I can

telnet 995

without issue from the server I am trying to run this on.

Anything else I can get you please let me know.

I'm having this issue also. Tried many configurations and I am receiving "Invalid login. Check POP settings"

I solved the Problem!!!

I installed osticket on another server on which mcrypt isn't installed. (So that the mailpasswords are saved as plaintext).

Now everything runs!!!

The error must be on the passwords. Maybe the passwords are saved encoded but the login is with NON decoded passwords

Interesting. I don't have the option of installing on another server - or certainly not one where I can remove packages.

Armed with this knowledge is it possible to find a solution for servers that ARE running mcrypt?

I solved the Problem!!!

I installed osticket on another server on which mcrypt isn't installed. (So that the mailpasswords are saved as plaintext).

Now everything runs!!!

The error must be on the passwords. Maybe the passwords are saved encoded but the login is with NON decoded passwords

I have mcrypt installed and I'm not having the same problem! I would love to get to the bottom of the issue - I can help debug the issue, if I can get access to a server with the same problem.

Thanks to sven-teichmann for helping with the test server. I believe POP/IMAP related issues are now resolved. Download the latest version again and re-upload all files with the exception of setup directory and include/settings.php

well, there's good news and bad news!

Yes - it seems now to be connecting properly to gmail. I get: Email updated successfully

as a status update.

But - it never seems to retrieve anything.

What would be nice is a 'retrieve now' button so it could be tested.

So, to summarize, I am no longer getting an error, it is now just doing nothing!