can someone please tell me if they have OS Ticket on IIS.

come on guys i need some help, someone has to have this configurations



Sorry can't help you out with this. Don't have access to any IIS server.

But I would also like to know if someone has osTicket running normally on an IIS server. So if someone does, please let us know.


actually i do have it running pretty good, however i cant seem to get the attachments to work, i need help with that.

actually i do have it running pretty good, however i cant seem to get the attachments to work, i need help with that.

irperera - How did you get it working - because it is not working on my box with IIS and PHP and MYSQL. I don't think It is something obvious - because I had this running on windows + apache + PHP+ mysql no problem. What setting did you adjust to get it working ?

4 days later

I got it to semi working

I got this to work on Windowns 2003 server, the only part that is not working is if some one emails say I dont seem to get the email

if someone logged into the control panel they can submit a ticket and can response back, so I got it 90%, any one needs help pm me

It is now fuly working on windows

I have managed to get this working on the windows 2003 server. I should have read instructions more closley. I had to run cron job and that was it.

Any one needs any help pm me....

Okay, can anyone help us out ??


I have managed to get this working on the windows 2003 server. I should have read instructions more closley. I had to run cron job and that was it.

Any one needs any help pm me....

I have a hard time believing your system works with osticket *if* you are truly using IIS. My question is, how does IIS handle the htaccess files - which are a req. for sec I beleive ??:

I have managed to get this working on the windows 2003 server. I should have read instructions more closley. I had to run cron job and that was it.

Any one needs any help pm me....

hey guys i'm back from a seminar

Klmklm i need help setting up the attachments do u have the setting for this.



I have a hard time believing your system works with osticket *if* you are truly using IIS. My question is, how does IIS handle the htaccess files - which are a req. for sec I beleive ??:

Hi jadigwu,

As far as I know IIS does not support htaccess files at all. But if I'm not mistaking the existing htaccess are not required for osTicket to make it work.

4 months later

Hello Irparera,

Actually I have gotten OSticket to work well with Windows 2003 Server IIS. I recomend you do take it in steps. Make sure PHP works fine, then install and configure your SQL server with phpMyAdmin to help create and setup your database files.

Once all of those have been done and are working, go into your "php.ini" file, it will either be in "c:\php" directory or "c:\windows" directory depending how you installed your php to work. Once you are ablet o edit your php.ini file, make sure "Short Tags" are turned on. Just search through the php.ini file to turn on short tags.

Also on the extensions section of your php.ini file, make sure to uncomment, that is remove the beginning quotes from the extensions mysql, mssql, mysqli. This should get you to install OSticket just fine. If you do not enable short tags, your index page will keep recyclying jibberish in the text boxes. You must have an already blank and created database within mysql ready for the instillation program to create all the tables for you.

When mysql is installed on the system, there technically is still not an actual "Database" that you can use to install all the tables needed by OSticket. That is why you need to setup phpMyAdmin, so that you can create a new database for OSticket. I made one simply called helpdesk.

I hope this helps. I have gotten OSticket to work wonderfully. The only thing I cannot do is get my emails to work, but that is something I hope to remedy soon.

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