Thank you KevinTheJedi!
In my error logs I don't have any that pertain to this. Oddly there are mailer errors, but this is for my smtp server and that server is sending the message so I find that peculiar - that is for an entirely different mailbox though so unrelated.
I am looking at the ost_email_account table and I am having an issue identifying the one.
I believe I got the right one by going to the ost_email table pulling the email_id of the one I want and matching in the account table.
Last error message is (NULL) for both mailbox and SMTP. Last activity is at 2025-01-29 18:53:32 on the mailbox and (NULL) for SMTP
I did find my php logs, sorry don't mess with iis much.
only recent error is xmlrpc: Unable to initialize module
forgot to mention in my system logs there are 1000s of API Error all pertaining to Banlist and was from 2 different mails going back to mid Jan. I removed these mails. Both mails were also in the mailbox that is working.