KevinTheJedi Yes i now, this was my debug how to test if there are maybe some issues with permissions or paths, i would not get any content if they would be there Right ?🙂
But i get the content then problem must be related with browser or headers, but don't know how to try to get more detail problem why headers/browser is not correctly read.
is there any possible path how to get Absolut path to attachment file ? (inside file below)
if yes i can try to use my different image serv function i am using in different app based on PHP which is running in same environment correctly. similar to code below
$imageFolder = realpath($imageFolder);
$imageFile = $imageFolder . $vin . '-' . $i . '.jpg';
header('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($imageFile));
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($imageFile));