Hello ,
I have installed a Pro version of osTicket and wanted to add a new ticket status. Since osTicket only offers a default status, it was not possible to change it. I deleted the line : ost_list in the database. Then I inserted my own line, unfortunately it is not possible to select my added statuses, see below. Can someone please help me?

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • Eiltesir

    You can’t disable or delete the core statuses without messing with the database or core codebase. If you mess with the database or codebase you are deviating from core so you would be on your own at that point.

    The best option is to simply rename the core statuses to whatever you want.



    You can’t disable or delete the core statuses without messing with the database or core codebase. If you mess with the database or codebase you are deviating from core so you would be on your own at that point.

    The best option is to simply rename the core statuses to whatever you want.


    Hey Kevin,
    thank you for quick reply. now i already deleted the core statuses. Is there any chances? or i need to reinstall a fresh copy?
    Thanks in advance


      I would simply start over if you don’t have a backup and don’t have much configured already. If you must keep the same database for some reason then make a new install and simply copy the records over from the new database to your existing one to restore the deleted records.


      I will install a new copy of it. Is there a way to add more statuses? because the by default it comes with 4 or 5 Statuses and i need more.


        Of course, you go to Admin Panel > Manage > Lists > Ticket Statuses to add/remove statuses.


        Thank you Kevin, i had a backup of DB so everything is runnig now. I sign this ticket as closed.

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