You don’t need to use api at all if you are running cron locally. Simply look at the "RECURRING TASKS SCHEDULER (CRON JOB)" section for an easy example.
You don’t need to use api at all if you are running cron locally. Simply look at the "RECURRING TASKS SCHEDULER (CRON JOB)" section for an easy example.
Can the user change to agent?
I want to create an agent but the email already exist in user.
so want to change the user become agent.
How to configure? i registered the user.
You can have both a user account and agent account. To add a new agent go to Admin Panel > Agents > Agents and click Add New Agent.
Is that possible the SLA calculate date/time depend on the ticket status
For example,
I have create Pending status for the ticket.
if the ticket status is pending, SLA count down stop, when it change to "In Progress" then start / continue countdown
Thanks for your reply
Regarding the new agent, unable use same email created in user and agent.
User table already created, when i create as an agent, it show "email already exist"
here is the screenshot
and this is the screenshot from user screen
Thanks for your reply
An SLA can be Transient or non-Transient. If Transient it can be overridden on Help Topic change or Department Transfer. There is no way to change SLA on Ticket Status changes.
By default SLAs calculate DueDate times based on the Grace Period starting immediately once the Ticket is created or once the SLA is set. With that being said, SLAs can calculate DueDate times based on an attached Schedule. So if you want you can create a specific Schedule that’s always a holiday, create your SLA named "Pending", attach the holiday Schedule you created, and now once your Agents set the Status Pending they can also set the SLA to "Pending" so the SLA timer stops calculating. Then once they are ready they can set the SLA to whatever they want and it will calculate a new DueDate.
As for the Agent email issue, the error is saying you have a System Email (Admin Panel > Emails > Emails) with the same address. An Agent cannot have the same address as a System Email and vice versa.
Possible create a SLA don't have countdown. every ticket must has SLA Plan, so when i choose SLA Pending there is unlimited time so don't have overdue or don't have count down so don't have overdue.
Thanks & Regards
how to configure ticket auto closed, when ticket status is resolved after 7 days?
Thanks for your reply
We do not have a native auto-close feature at this time. This has been requested many times before and is currently a feature on our Feature Request List for possible future development.
Can we edit the user list, i would like to show the email on the user list. how to edit ?
Can we also set the ticket list by Team. For example Team A member login just can view team A ticket ?
Thanks for your reply
I don’t know what you mean by edit the user list. Can you please explain further?
Simply go to their account under Admin Panel > Agents > Agents, enable "Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets", and Save Changes. Now they will only be able to see tickets that are assigned directly to them or one of their teams.
i want to add a new column in the listing, How to edit the column in the listing
Thanks for you reply.
By modifying the codebase. You are always on your own when modifying the codebase as you are deviating from core. You should proceed at your own risk.
Hi want to ask regarding report.
At Dashboard - Statistics only 1 agent, is that possible show multiple agent ?
How to make it.
Thanks for your reply.
Admin Panel > Agents > Agents > click one > Permissions > Miscellaneous > Stats
my idea is show all the agent over here. i have follow the step to tick the Stats, but all the agent not listed out.
Thanks for your reply
Hi from the previous image, how can i get the quantity of Opened and Closed ?
Thanks for reply
i was install osTicket on Mac. i have some issue on Agent set password.
i have go to admin panel > Agent > Account --> click Set Password [but didn't receive email]
i also try go to login page use forget password [also didn't receive reset password email] .
admin account receive email for new ticket created.
Have any place i can check, to receive reset agent login password ?
Thanks for your reply