We updated to version 1.18.1 and are experiencing the same issue with ticket assignment alerts as we did with version 1.16.3 (https://forum.osticket.com/d/102567-variables-for-attachments-in-ticket-assignment-alert).
We want to include attachments in the assignment alert sent to agents. Could you please tell us what we might be doing wrong, or if there is a known bug?
Environment details:
Ticket Assignment Alert Template:
Ticket view:
From scp, file Dummy2.pdf can be opened and link is:
Ticket Assignment Alert sent to Agents:
The template shows only variable %{ticket.thread.lastmessage} and %{ticket.thread.complete}.
We tried using %{ticket.thread.lastmessage.files} and %{ticket.thread.original.files}, but only %{ticket.thread.complete} displays an attachment. Unfortunately, the attachment link is also unusable and doesn't open the file.
(a different link from the one in the scp :https://xxyyzz/file.php?key=neblckp_snzai2ckygh0wshd4xcoa7dy&expires=1706659200&signature=7393cdf9ded9fa5a9f4441a5aeb53b1c485fbfe8)
The database table ost_file contains entries with key (we tested using the same file named dummy.pdf).
Table ost_attachment: