I've try to set a filter that recognize empty email and then sends an auto-reply from the canned response.

i've this text on my empty email:

Telefono: 123456789
Versione dell'app: x.x.x
Dispositivo: iPhone
Versione di iOS: xx.x.x

Inserisci i dettagli della richiesta :

Inviato da iPhone

The empty email have the string "Inserisci i dettagli della richiesta :" followed by a blank line.
I tried using a match to with one of the following regular expressions:

/\n^Inserisci i dettagli della richiesta :\n\n/ui
/Inserisci i dettagli della richiesta :\n\n/

screenshot: https://prnt.sc/sfvqcwjCjvzc

But the filter does not work.

Tested with https://regex101.com/ my RegEx rules works correctly. Why not on OsTicket?


Cm-8 changed the title to How to use RegExp in Ticket filters for Auto-Reply 2024.
Cm-8 changed the title to How to use RegEx in Ticket filters for Auto-Reply.
5 days later


It should. Maybe the content doesn’t actually have \n at the beginning. Add debug statements to the code to log the raw content when it gets to the regex matching.


Dear @KevinTheJedi
Ok, i can try.
Where can I add debug statements to log the raw content when it comes to the regular expression match?

Thank you


    Right above this line you can add something like:

    if ($func == 'pregMatchB')

    The $what[$rule['w']] should be the value it's trying to match on which should be the email content in this case (if you are using Issue Details).


    i add:

    // LOG REGEX
    if ($func == 'pregMatchB') {
    	file_put_contents('logs-filter.txt', $what[$rule['w']] . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);

    But there is not the possibility to put into debug information visible at: ./scp/logs.php ?



      Not unless you add such code. You can look at the rest of the code to see how we log to system logs.


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