In your screenshot I only see the User. It appears no Collaborators were added to the Ticket which is what is expected after disabling the option mentioned by miguelss.
Are you asking [1] if a User sends an email with any CC added you want to flat out reject the Ticket? Or are you asking [2] if a User includes the system email in CC you want to reject the Ticket?
[1] You cannot accomplish that at this time. The best you can do is reject the CCs by disabling the aforementioned setting.
[2] You can accomplish this at the mailbox level although it may not be a good idea as you may miss some replies from Users. But to accomplish this you can make an inbox rule that says any email with the system email in CC move to a different folder other than the configured fetch folder in osTicket. This means, if you are fetching from the INBOX then you’d make a rule that moves the mail into a completely different folder (or label) than the INBOX so that osTicket doesn’t fetch it.
As far as the content being empty, that’s unrelated to the setting. This can be due to many different things including malformed mail, the user replied below the reply line, etc. You’d have to post a full raw email example (in .eml/.msg format) for us to review to see.