Good morning, to complete the installation of osTicket, I need to add a username and password to the IMAP of an LDAP instance, but when I do this, the following error appears:
cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error) (errno = 0)
I have tried pinging, everything is correct with that, and also everything is fine when running the telnet command. What could be happening?
Thank you in advance.
Connection Issue
Also, this is happening
It's simply unable to connect. Can you trace your mail logs to see why? Maybe certificate issues, etc.
You also need to post a screenshot of Admin Panel > Dashboard > Information.
2 months later
Don’t hijack other people’s threads please. You can create your own discussion with your own environment details. Remember a screenshot of Admin Panel > Dashboard > Information is always helpful.
To clarify, I'm not asking for anyone to assist me here in this thread. I'm just asking the OP if they ever found a solution to their own problem that they posted here. Sorry if that is still considered hijacking. I've started my own thread for advice on my own issue.