Hello everyone, I have a slowdown in my osticket system when searching for a specific name or moving from one page to another. Is there a solution?


    There are a couple of things you can do:

    1. Convert any MyISAM tables to InnoDB.
    2. Set ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC on all tables that don't already have this set.
    3. Update your innodb_buffer_pool_size value.
    4. Run ANALYZE TABLE table_name PERSISTENT FOR ALL; for each table. Just replace table_name with each table's name.
    5. If running MariaDB 10.5 or greater I'd suggest switching to MySQL. Out-of-the-box MySQL seems to have better performance.

    If you do all that and it's still slow you will just have to optimize MySQL/MariaDB (or give your server more resources so it can handle more load):


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