Can I import users in os ticket names and Job in Arabic language please??
Is it a must to be imported in English language?


    Please read my response above. The answer is yes, as long as the data (CSV file) is formatted properly.


    • Heba replied to this.

      KevinTheJedi ok I'm tried it but still have error " both name & email fields are required"
      What it's the proper format?
      Can you send me formated csv file & I will update it according to import sheet in os ticket!


        Unfortunately, I cannot as it depends on your setup and forms/fields. You can post a screenshot of the CSV import screen with the needed fields listed.


        • Heba replied to this.


          I can only provide comments when I have the time. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of time to get responses so please be patient.

          Your screenshot does not show the full columns. It's cutting some off. You need to post a full screenshot.



          And you’re converting the Excel file to a CSV file? If so what does the raw CSV look like?


          • Heba replied to this.

            KevinTheJedi yes convert it to csv extension
            Still the same in excel
            Only accept it in English language but error in Arabic language


              I think the issue is the fields are backwards due to Arabic being RTL. Try switching the order of the fields to LTR and retest.


              • Heba replied to this.

                'Unable to map header to the object field"


                That it can't map the headers properly. Again, you'll need to show the raw CSV.


                Can I export csv file from app. And then import it again with the users?

                Ok done ,, many thanks 👍