Hello, I read a post about the broken language packs. Unfortunately, we also have the problem that no new tickets are created after installing the German language pack. Can anyone tell me when new corrected language packs will be available for download or how we can fix the bugs ourselves? We really like using osticket and would like to offer it to our colleagues in German again...

Thank you for some information.


    We are admittedly very inconsistent when building language packs. Those are usually the last thing we touch as the core code and plugins are more important. We are going to rebuild them soon as there are a couple of issues with Spanish and a few others. Stay tuned!


    a month later

    Hi thanks for this. is there any update on the possible release of an updated Spanish (Castillan) language pack? My upgrade has pretty much killed my system and since I was in english I didn't realize it.


      No update at this time but should be pretty soon. We have a big overhaul with languages due soon.


        2 months later


        Thanks for this. Any idea on timing? I have the same problem. I pretty much killed my system as I upgraded in english and didn't realize the spanish issues until later. We cannot downgrade because we need the Oauth Plugin that only works with 1.17x and above.

          The devs have almost never given a release date for anything.

          aesclama , as workaround I temporally corrected the problem unpharing the Spanish (Castillan) language pack and editing the wrong file.
          I tried to recreate the .phar again but I was unable to make it work

          a month later

          Hi All,
          is there a guide how to create the language packs? Would be useful and offload the devs. Whenever the corwdin updated we need to have the new builds.

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