OH! Solved. Just as norternnoel above said, creating a new email/mailbox fixed things!
So, for info, created a new active user in Microsoft/Office 365,
Picked the new user, clicked on Mail on the flyout, Manage email apps, tick the Authenticated SMTP.
So now have a new mailbox. Logged into it with office online to make sure the mailbox is working.
Then tried again. Bingo, it worked.
The important things here were
- fresh mailbox
- Hostname for the SMTP is "" (and not the same hostname on the remote mailbox screen, this needs to be the IMAP hostname "")
- SMTP Auth tick enabled for the mailbox user
- correct Redirect URL in Azure which allows the reply to come back in and hit osTicket.
- Azure AD application, permissions, etc as per all the online instructions.
But if SMTP thing refuses to work, then FRESH MAILBOX solved for me.
Now time to test things out using my new mailbox, which to be honest is probably what's needed anyway while we still have Spiceworks working for live issues on our main helpdesk@ email!!
EDIT: Re needing Hostname for IMAP to be