
Yes, there are three ways.

  1. Login as an ldap user in the client portal that does not already exist in osticket. This will create a new account with the appropriate backend.
  2. If you have LDAP available for agents you can go to any agent account in the admin panel, right click the Authentication drop-down, click Inspect to view the raw HTML, and look at the name for the ldap selection.
  3. (Probably easiest) Go to the database, go to the plugin table, note the ldap plugin id (eg. 3), go to the plugin_instance table, search for where plugin_id equal to the ID of the plugin, and note the instance id (eg. 6). Now in my example query just replace p123i123 with the IDs you copied (eg. ldap.client.p3i6).

For agents you can simply set any agents Authentication dropdown to LDAP and view their account in the database and they should have the appropriate backend set.


    KevinTheJedi Kevin,

    Is there any plans to make a GUI-Selectable choice in the Admin panel for the client logins, or just a universal preference for login authentication first-try, where we can set LDAP as first try, then Internal Auth as 2nd, etc?

    Basically, I'd like to not have to rummage thru the database, as I'm not skilled in doing so, in order to get the users to LDAP login without having to specify the domain\id


      We can add it to the feature request list for possible future development in v2.0. Stay tuned!


        KevinTheJedi Would anyone be able to assist me in writing a script to fix whatever needs to be fixed on my system?

        Here's a further question - If I delete a client from the Helpdesk, and then have that same user login again, will that fix the need for the domain? I ask because I created a test user in AD and logged into the Helpdesk with no need for specifying the domain, and I was surprised to see that it said that this test user had existing tickets. I clicked on them and it appears to be tickets created by my agent account, since for the test user account I put my agent email address. So it seems like the Helpdesk thinks that this test account owns these tickets due to the email address matching? So, if I delete a user from osTicket that has existing tickets in the system, and then have them login to the helpdesk again, will it allow them to login without the need for the domain, and will it still locate all of their previous tickets due to the email address matching in AD?


          If you delete a user from the helpdesk it requires the deletion of all associated tickets as well. So no, if you delete the user you will lose their tickets.

          We can do so with our Professional Support services (go to our website and fill out the Contact Us form to submit a request) but honestly it's rather simple with the steps I outlined above; I even provided the queries you'll need.

          Otherwise you can wait for a community member to chime in here for further assistance.


          I am having the very same issue - I also tried login with a new user as well as deleting a user from existing DB including its associated tickets and tried relogin in from it and from a new user, but the result remains same - showing a blank page. Seems like the LDAP plugin is not working for staff to create a ticket. regardless of existing user tried to login or a new user. Could someone please help?

          It worked for Agents. But not working for staff. Even cannot signin from new LDAP user that was not already exist in osticket.

          We are also having LDAP problems on 1.17 .. things worked fine on 1.15.4 but now we have agents only able to login via username (instead of UPN/email address), and clients/users cannot login to post a ticket at all. I posted our PHP errors in another thread but no replies there yet..

          Yes, I did that but that only working for agents but not staff - As I mentioned above, even the new user is not able to signin to create a ticket. It shows blank screen after entering LDAP credentials .

            While trying on different browser, it is showing me this error.


            username First Last ldap.p1i3

            The above person is in osticket.ost_staff and can login as an agent using 'username', but NOT ''. All agents are setup with ldap.p1i3 backend.

            All of the users in osticket.ost_user_account have the backend set to ldap.client

            Brand new non registered users cannot sign into the client new ticket portal either, so I don't have any working user_account references to look at. (PLus the problem of email address login's not working too). Any suggestions?

            Edit - looks like abeermuh has the same issues that I do, so we are not alone at least!

            It has been resolved - this time I used Php8.0 - previously it was 8.1 on which it was not working.

            furthermore, I did not need to run mysql query to set backend for all users, it worked on its own by default.

            I rolled back to PHP 8.0.24 after reading the above. Partially fixed, now users can login with their username (but NOT email address). Both agents and users still must use username instead of email address or UPN of With email it throws access denied. Sigh. This is quite an ordeal!


            A blank screen indicates that there is a PHP error.
            You will want to take a look at the PHP error logs to see what the logged error is.

            I see that after posting that you resolved this by changing to PHP 8.0.
            I haven't tried 8.1 with 1.17 yet.

            I rolled back to PHP 8.0.24 after reading the above. Partially fixed, now users can login with their username (but NOT email address). Both agents and users still must use username instead of email address or UPN of With email it throws access denied. Sigh. This is quite an ordeal!

            Yes!!! Same issue for me. Do we have any solution on that?


              Nothing yet - I have another thread open with the email/username issue. I did update the LDAP plugin during the upgrade process. We have people really trained on entering (for things like SSO/365 logins), so this is quite problematic for us.

              yeah, sadly but same issue for me. 🙁 I hope someone can find a solution of it ASAP.