I have been trying to get OAuth set up with Microsoft. I ended up deleting the instance, and now I am trying to add it back, but the plugin just hangs at loading. And I am getting the below error. I have even tried removing and reinstalling the plugin, but it still gives the same error now.

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function setConfigClass() on null in phar://C:/inetpub/app.xxx.com/public/support/include/plugins/auth-oauth2.phar/oauth2.php:586
Stack trace:
#0 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\include\class.email.php(671): GenericEmailOauth2Provider->getPluginInstance()
#1 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\include\ajax.email.php(26): EmailAccount->saveAuth()
#2 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\include\class.dispatcher.php(151): EmailAjaxAPI->configureAuth()
#3 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\include\class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch()
#4 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\include\class.dispatcher.php(120): Dispatcher->resolve()
#5 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\include\class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch()
#6 C:\inetpub\app.xxx.com\public\support\scp\ajax.php(326): Dispatcher->resolve()
#7 {main}
thrown in phar://C:/inetpub/app.xxx.com/public/support/include/plugins/auth-oauth2.phar/oauth2.php on line 586

  • dschuett

    so evidently what worked was basically removing restrictions on azure then putting them back once its logged in. it is s security risk to a point. this is what MS sent me to fix it

    1. Log in to the Azure Active Directory admin center.
    2. Go to Enterprise applications > Consent and permissions > User consent settings.
    3. Under User consent for applications, select Allow user consent for apps

    then i put it back to normal after its logged in, once it has its keys it seemed to work

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Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)


    Sorry for not providing enough information. I hope this helps.

    osTicket Version: v1.17-rc4
    Web Server Software: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
    MySQL Version: 10.4.8
    PHP Version: 8.0.21

    Steps to reproduce my issue:

    1. Install and enable the Oauth2 Client Plugin via: Admin Panel > Manage > Plugins
    2. Configure the plugin via: Emails > <select email address> > Remote Mailbox > Authentication > OAuth2 - Microsoft > Config.
    3. I was having a problem getting the plugin to work without giving the mailbox user Global Admin rights within Azure, so after a bunch of troubleshooting I decided to delete the instance of the plugin by going to: Manage > Plugins > Oauth2 Client > Instances > Delete Instance.

    I can now no longer set up the Plugin via step 2 above. It just spins saying "loading...", and the dev console in the browser shows the error provided in my original post. I need to get this resolved by October 1, or I am going to but up a creek. As I mentioned, I have even deleted and re-installed the plugin without any luck. I have no idea where to go from here without doing a completely new installation, which isn't an option, as I would lose all history and settings. My backup is now from too long ago to restore, as too many tickets have already come through on this current install.

    Try this:

    1. go to Admin panel -> Settings -> System put the system in Offline mode.
    2. go to *Admin panel -> Emails -> Settings** change the default system emails and alert emails to something else.
    3. go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Emails
      make note of the settings and such that you used in this page.
      delete the email that you setup OAuth2 with.
    4. go to Admin panel -> Manage -> Plugins
      disable the oauth plugin.
      delete the plugin
    5. re-download the oauth plugin from osticket.com/download
    6. re-install the plugin.
    7. configure the plugin.
    8. go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Emails
      Add a new email.
      re-setup the email you deleted earlier
    9. go to *Admin panel -> Emails -> Settings** change the default system emails and alert emails to the newly re-setup email
    10. go to Admin panel -> Settings -> System put the system in Online mode.

    these two links should help you setup the OAuth plugin.



      Thank you! This worked. Now I am back to my initial problem of the app needing admin consent, when I have already granted admin consent on the App Registration in Azure. See below:


        For that you’ll need to google for some answers or contact Microsoft as that's outside the scope of osTicket.


        Your admin needs to add that account to the user list or group
        it's under Enterprise applications>All applications>Whatever you named your app

          I had the same issue, after about 30 minutes with Microsoft it now seems to work. I had to remove consents then re-add consents in the azure panel then it stopped asking for admin rights.

            B0ydie I have a case open with Microsoft as I feel that I am having the same issue as you. I did remove/re-add consent first, but it didn't work.


              so evidently what worked was basically removing restrictions on azure then putting them back once its logged in. it is s security risk to a point. this is what MS sent me to fix it

              1. Log in to the Azure Active Directory admin center.
              2. Go to Enterprise applications > Consent and permissions > User consent settings.
              3. Under User consent for applications, select Allow user consent for apps

              then i put it back to normal after its logged in, once it has its keys it seemed to work


                not the best way of doing ti and I have reported it to MS but if it works it works.
                Has anyone manged to get SMTP send via ouath working? I added it to my scope etc but when i press save I get an authentication error. I'm also getting issues with cron (not having much luck)

                Here is my response from Microsoft. It does look like this is a bug on the osTicket side because offline_access is set to consent in the response from osTicket.

                My name is Treyce and I am with the Azure Enterprise App team and I am the senior engineer for Pooja and she has requested I take a look at this case.

                While looking at the Fiddler trace we see that the application in its Auth request is prompting for consent this request is from https://app.xxxx.com/support/api/auth/oauth2 even if Azure has admin consent granted if the service that sends the request prompting for consent it will always require consent even if consent is granted. You are going to want to reach out to developers of the application so they can remove that request.

                If you go to result 205 in the Fiddler we reach https://app.xxx.com/support/scp/emails.php?id=15&do=autho&bk=oauth2:msmail:7:10 and from we get redirected from this to https://login.microsoftonline.com/1beafdf1-de07-46b2-b25d-c5bbac9a0434/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?tenant=common&accessType=offline_access&prompt=consent&state=fec795f5dd1c9826af210bea61a44349&scope=offline_access%20https%3A%2F%2Foutlook.office.com%2FMail.ReadWrite&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.xxx.com%2Fsupport%2Fapi%2Fauth%2Foauth2&client_id=3dbecd45-407a-4fc2-a906-21f2a3ae33c8 and in this redirect you can see the application is sending the promp=consent.

                  This is spot on. In my environment, the application registration is configured with all the relevant rights, admin consent is granted, and our admin consent configuration should not require this application to have admin consent performed as all the permissions have been set to allow for user consent.

                  The prompt field is optional, and as configured within osTicket, is forcing the consent dialog at each sign on attempt. I believe that the prompt=consent item needs to be removed.

                  If consent doesn't exist for the user, or admin consent doesn't exist, a user will be prompted for consent after successful auth. This does not require the prompt parameter to be set.


                    We are not going to remove it but make it optional later in the future. We have the consent prompt to verify and make sure you are authorizing the right email. For now, you can simply remove it if you don't want/need it but we will make it optional later on.


                      I am an azure security administrator advising a user on setting up your application and do not have direct access or knowledge of your product. Could you elaborate on what you mean by "you can simply remove it" so that the user can configure your application properly for this use case?

                      EDIT: Found the settings in the oauth2.php file: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-plugins/blob/develop/auth-oauth2/oauth2.php

                      Note that if no administrator has performed admin consent for the application in the environment and users are permitted to perform consent for third party applications, they will still receive the consent prompt and confirmation of the email address without the prompt setting explicitly set. You may be better served using the prompt=login or prompt=select_account flags if that is your goal, not prompt=consent.

                        I'm not sure if i'm going about this correctly but under the concept of removing the line we don't need I have tried following the instructions from https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-plugins but I'm having some issues.

                        I have downloaded the repo, successfully hydrated, then modified the oauth2.php to comment out line 640. I then ran the build command and it has given me an auth-oauth2.phar. I have copied this into my includes/plugin folder and successfully activated it in osTicket however when I then go to configure the authentication the popup box containing all the IDP info is just blank.

                          4 days later

                          I am experiencing the same issue as CPC

                          I have ensured the plugin entries in the DB were cleared when I attempted removing the plugin to reinstall it.