alguien sabe por que pasa esto
I get this problem when I want to see the settings
Seems like you are getting a fatal error somewhere or you're having AJAX issues. Please check your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.
Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance. The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.
Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)
The white bar of death is usually related to the webserver not handling the AJAX requests properly.
This is usually a symptom that people who are running NGINX report.
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Hola, la version que estoy usando es la v1.15.8, he estado revisando y cuando me meto a inspeccionar la pagina no me sale ninguna informacion, hasta que meto al apartado de la consola y aparece el 'error 500'
Estoy usando un web hosting (FileZilla) para subir la pagina de osticket
-Php 7.4
-mysql version mas reciente
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Tanbien he estado revisando que el 'error 500' que me arroja es muy general y que puede ser por el limite de memoria del php, es recoemdable hacer pruebas y expandirlo a todo lo que se pueda? o que tanbien sea la version del php que tenga que usa la version 8 del php.
1.15.8 is going to reach end of life very shortly. once 1.17 is released. You might want to consider upgrading.
PHP 7.4 shouldn't have any problems with osTicket 1.15.8 to my knowledge.
You did not tell us what webserver you are running.
Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)
The web server does not appear to be handling AJAX calls. You will likely want to call your web host and have them look at the logs for your site to find out why. They are likely blocking something that they shouldn't be with mod_security or something similar. If they cannot or will not change their settings for your site then you would probably want to look for a new web host, or set your own inhouse server.
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estos son los detalles de mi entorno, es probable que sea eso del cgi? o si es del el web hosting tengo que habilitarlo o permitir el uso de las llamadas AJAX.
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Hola actualize la version que estaba utlizando. Pase de la version 1.15.8 a la 1.16.3 con PHP 8.0
Sigo con el mismo web server y nada, uso lo que es el Cpanel y FileZilla para conectarme y subir los archivos.
La verdad no se como se soluciona este problema .
You need to check your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.
You might want to check with your web host to ensure they don’t have any security rules blocking it.
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KevinTheJedi Hola buenos días, hay otro detalle en nuestro alojamiento web que es el Hospedando tenemos otra versión de osticket que es la que estamos utilizando es la V1.9.11 es el mismo web hosting y en esa versión que estamos utilizando si nos deja entrar a la configuración de los campos sin ningun problema, no nos aparece el error 500 ni el recuadro en blanco.
Cool but 1.16.x is still being blocked so you need to figure out why. Reach out to your provider and have them check all the logs I mentioned above, even the security rules. I would say a lot of the times this issue is due to your host’s security rules.
KevinTheJedi estos son los únicos errores que encontré, con respecto a lo que me menciono de verificar los registros
esto es de la consola del navegador
y esto es de lo que me aparece en el web hosting
KevinTheJedi Ahora me aparece esto
Those are just generic 500 errors which is a symptom of a deeper issue. Please reach out to your host and have them check their security rules. You might have access to this if you have CPanel, should be like security logs or something.
- Best Answerset by KevinTheJedi
KevinTheJedi Hola, si para resolver el problema tuvimos que cambiar de web hosting para poder resolver el problema que tenia, ya podemos configurar los campos.
Gracias por su ayuda y por su atención