The authorization/token endpoint URLs are correctly v2 by default, just the API URL (Resource Details Endpoint) is by default 1.0. Although setting it to 2.0 doesn't help either.

I think the plugin should be updated to use Graph API/scope since Outlook V2.0 REST endpoint is also deprecated and will be decommissioned in November 2022. Source:

So the URLs in scope should be, and Resource Details Endpoint/User Details URL should be


Basically the URLs it gives you when you go to Enterprise Applications and click Endpoints at the top.


When I pulled apart the .phar file, it has v1.0 manually set in the configuration. I saw the same thing but I just changed it to v2.0. When I tested I used an in-private window and logged in with my login to the osTicket but used the O365 account for the e-mail address, it still gives the error message so I think there's something wrong with the checks, plus it doesn't even say what the wrong e-mail address is in the error. Like others, it shows successful on the Azure side.


    We have changes coming soon that should reflect the appropriate URLs and scopes. Stay tuned!


      Our office is also using osTicket for our customer service and IT departments and Microsoft O365 for our email. We're very interested in getting this to work as well. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help move this plugin along.

      We're interested as well as a new OSTIcket setup. I just stumbled upon IMAP etc going away October 1 and we need to have this setup for us to use OSTicket before that date.


      It's not ideal for me to keep posting updates every day. Please follow the copious threads on here or follow our github repo for updates.


        @jerrycarlin do you have a question?

        1.17-rc1 is a release candidate. It should not be used in a production environment.
        I do not think that the feature o modern auth will be added to an old version as they do not usually backport features.

        I don't believe anyone was asking for daily updates. We are simply interested in learning information about this specific issue. Following "copious threads" and reading every update that has nothing to do with the update this thread is regarding Oauth, is far more work for a lot more people involved, than a 2 second message from a developer saying, "hey guys, we've got the Oauth working, go check out github."


          That reply was towards someone else. I’m talking about posting daily updates on the RC/stable releases. People keep asking when we are going to release and we don’t have release dates and it’s not wise to post everyday “we are working on it”.
