Original post
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Hello, good day, I would like to know where the attachments of the tickets are stored, whether images, etc. If I download it through XAMPP and I have phpmyadmin
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No one can really answer that because we dont know how you set things up.
If you are using the default and storing them in the database then @KevinTheJedi answer above is correct.
If you installed a Storage plugin then they would not be in the database and would be in the filesystem, or Amazon S3.
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I already checked it, but for example if I want to see the attached file if I export the tables it will only be img/png
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Exporting the tables would result in a plain text file with the contents of the tables. It would not result in a img/png unless you wrong some sort of code to export the attachments from the tables... You would need to write something to do this for you.
If you want to be able to see the files while they are being stored then you will need to move them outside of the database using one of the storage plugins:
- Storage :: Attachments on the Filesystem
- Storage :: Attachments in Amazon S3
Then you could look at and open the files using your file browser on your computer assuming that you had a program that opened that file type.