Hey there,

We have certain agents who are automatically assigned to tickets, but sometimes these people are away and other agents from their team will pick up their tickets while they're gone...

I was thus wondering if agents could specify who their back up is and should be notified when a new ticket is submitted while they're gone?

I know they can put themselves off with the "vacation mode" but this just turns off notifications and assignment for them. It would be cool if they could additionally say "assign tickets to this person while I am away"...


    This is something we can add to our feature request list. At the moment you’ll just have to update the assignment setting for the Help Topic/Filter/etc. to the "backup" Agent.


    2 months later

    I'd love to see this feature too! It's a request from one of our customers 🙂
    thank you

    I have issues assigned to teams rather than individuals. Whomever is available or normally assigned can claim the ticket and if someone is on vacation, whomever is still available can see and work the tickets.

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