
As requested, here are the screenshot from the Dashboard / Information Screen:

As there is no error message, just missing Information on the screen. As I don't know, what else I could sent.



    Please note, that I'm unable to fix the cgi.fix_pathinfo.

    I adjusted the timezone in the php.ini file, but the cgi.fix_pathinfo in the same file isn't honored.


    Okay, so system requirements seem good. Now you need to check your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.


      As allready said, there aren't any errors.
      I tried to get more out of the system, but no error, no matter what I activate (Debug Logging in osTicket, error_logging in php.ini (E_ALL) incl. make sure, there are a error_log file definition and also added the two entries in bootstrap.php:

      No error shown in browser, no errors shown in apache virtual host logs, no errors in apache general log.
      No error shown in osTicket Log.
      The access log shows the following:

      Which doesn't look to me as if something goes wrong.
      As after the open.php is called, the next is ajax.php which looks to me, as this should bring up the addtional fields in the webbrowser, I assume, that ther goes something wrong (probably releated to the cgi.fix_pathinfo?

      Or any other suggestions?


      It's showing response code 200 for the ajax call which means it was successful. Inspect the request via browser console Network tab then look at the response you get. See if it includes a form or an error or something.


      Hi Kevin

      Okay, did take some screenshot on the browser console network tab on Chrome and Firefox:

      Additional I have this Alert on Firefox Console:

      I'm not developer, but I think those messages doesn't look to me as beeing the root cause of this issue.




        That doesn’t show the data returned in the response for the form call.


        As said, I'm not a developer.

        I now selected the Network and there the Response Tab an got the following (I hope, that's the info you was asking for):

        Complet Output of the Response Tab:



        I hope, that's the info you was asking for

        Far from it lol When you select a Help Topic it will make a new AJAX request to get the form and fields. Look at the response from that request and see what you get.



          As I wrote several times, I'm not a developer...so instead of laughting at me, it would be more productive to point me to the right direction where I can get the requested information......

          I hope I figured it out myself and the following is what you are asking for:

          The marked section in the screenshot on the left is the only thing, which changes depending (1,2,10,11) which Topic I choose.


            No one is laughing at you..?

            Anyways, yes, that’s the right one. As you can see the AJAX returned null instead of a form. So that means something is going wrong between selecting the form from the database and returning it to the browser.

            I would check my Apache error logs, PHP error logs, and MySQL error logs for any related errors.


              The reason you asked me for this Info was, that there where no errors in any logs (see previous posts from me and you).

              May I asked you or someone else to verify this is really working somewehre else? As this seems the only issue I have with the installation and there are no error shown, it's perhaps a bug and it not working anywhere else?

              Or give me a hint, which additional error logging i probably missed earlier....


              I am unable to replicate the issue and there have been no other reports of this. Check your database and make sure you actually have Forms and make they are attached to your help topics.


                It seems we getting close.
                At least, I'm able to open a ticket now. The missing part was on the Help Topic Form Tab where no Form was ticket. I was not aware, that those has to be done on fresh install.

                I was close when I looked to solve this issue, but checked on Form Menu and there it looked as all fine.

                Now I'm able to open a ticket, but can't upload attachment while on the "external" page, but can upload the same .png image, when logged in as agent. So, at least this should be an size limit issue. But I was not able to find a setting, which could prevent the upload as (Guest/External) User.
                I get the following, when uploading from the Open a New Ticket page:

                Any hints for me?

                UPDATE: This error only shows up, when dragging the Picture to the bottom of the Ticket form:


                So the Ticket Details Form is supposed to be attached to all topics on install. I would start over and do a fresh install and make sure the form is attached by default. If not then something is going on with your install and could be causing the other issues.


                I had the same issue as @pstuder explained above, and I installed a new fresh for v1.16.1.
                After enabling the field from Forms sub-tab of Help Topic, now the form in client side is working properly.

                  masino_sinaga Happy, I didn't do a reinstall so far and Thanks for confirming, it's not my installation.

                  Can you let me know, if you have the same issue with the picture upload?

                    Yes, I can confirm also, that the file upload from client side is not working for v1.16.1.

                    After selecting the file (actually not only image file, the other files such as .pdf or .zip file also doesn't work), then there is an alert shown up as follows:

                    localhost says:
                    File Upload error: