- Edited
If your happy for the user to log in using their email address and a password,
try my multiple companies version.
Just run it as one company !
If your happy for the user to log in using their email address and a password,
try my multiple companies version.
Just run it as one company !
@GUY - yes this is based on 1.6ST
@scottro I wrote this to full fill my specific requirements.
I was going to offer support to system resellers. They in turn would offer support to their clients. So I would be the ADMIN, they would be Staff assigned to Companies.
Their clients would be assigned to the correct company. As the client logs tickets, the relevant company staff would see just their tickets. As ADMIN I would see all tickets and could reply to any.
The Company staff could only reassign tickets to staff in their own company or to the ADMIN.
That's it..
You could also use this with One company, just tiso have the ability for clients to log in etc !
This is now available HERE
This is now available HERE
Multi_Company Support - v0.1 © 2012 tomt @ adslweb.co.uk ©
I'm releasing this as a free set of scripts, with no warranty etc.
A simple README.TXT file has been included that should explain what is needed. This is a complete build and not an update to an existing installation.
I will look at adding a set of code updates, but I don't have the time for that as yet.
PayPal Donations are always welcome and can be made to paypal@adslweb.co.uk
The zip file can be downloaded from (HERE)
All Comments are welcome, I will try to reply and help as time allows :)
i just realized that in 4 tickets the tooltip does not work instead it show all the client response plus ...')" onmouseout="UnTip()">the client or staff rewsponse are something like this:
can you fix it plz?
Try replacing :
$MESSAGE = str_replace("'","`",$MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9/", ' ', $MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = str_replace("\r\n","<br/>",$MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = str_replace("", "", $MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = substr($MESSAGE,0,300);
$MESSAGE = str_replace("'","`",$MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = str_replace(chr(34),"”",$MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9/", ' ', $MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = str_replace("\r\n","<br/>",$MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = str_replace("", "", $MESSAGE);
$MESSAGE = substr($MESSAGE,0,300);
this replaces the normal quotation marks your using for monitor sizes
Monitor Samsung LED 20"
With right double quotation marks
Monitor Samsung LED 20”
Hope this helps :)
Is this my version or the original version ?
If It's mine, can you post the code from include\staff\tickets.inc.php
I have started on doing the code changes, but work and family commitments have slowed me down.
I'll get it done as soon as I can, test that it works and then post it :)
It's going to take me a while to get all this together.. but I'll upload it as soon as I can :)
Tomt:)sorry but will i be able to get the script for the store and address the i need
Originally Posted by tomt
Adding name and address etc won't be to much work.
The way this has been designed, when the user logged in, the script would know what their name and address etc was so there would be no need to select it..
Unless you wanted them to manually select it anyway !!
Sorry if I've confused matters.. I was meaning adding support to OSTicket should be easy, not that I'd done it.
Looking at your previous post :
$query ='SELECT * '.
'FROM category '.
'ORDER BY category ASC';
while (list($projectId,$projectName) = db_fetch_row($services)) {
$selected = ($info==$projectId)?'selected':'';?>
<option value="<?=$projectId?>"<?=$selected?>><?=$projectName?>
This should be writing the value of $projectId in to and $projectName should be the name being shown on the dropdown menu.
Try changing "> to "
Does that do what you want ?
Your saving: value="<?=$projectId?>" to the database, you'll either need to change it to value="<?=$projectName?>" so it writes the name to the database, or amend your query to select projectName from YourTable Where id = $projectID
Work etc has slowed me down.
I need to clean up the code and then document it..
I hope to look at it properly next week.
Do I release it as code and SQL changes or as a complete replacement for 1.6 ??
What code are you using to read the company from the database ?
Anyone tried my variation ?
What do you think ?
I'm working away for the rest of this week.. hopefully someone else will jump in !
By default when a new ticket is created, the ticket 'detail' is written to ost_ticket the body (text) of the ticket is written to ost_ticket_message
Both of these tables share similar fields and the data is joined between the two.
Where you write to and how you do it will depend on what you ultimately want to achieve !
For my multi company mod I created a new table called ost_company and created the fields I needed in their. I then added the field comp_id to ost_company, ost_ticket and ost_ticket_message.
My MySQL queries can then pull the correct data using the comp_id fields.
I run a test version of OSticket locally so I can edit and change the code and database to suit quickly. I also use HeidiSQL to look at the database structure.
Hope this helps :)
I agree.. :)
I just need to find the time to clean up and document !!
Online demo updated with new tooltips:
Hover over ticket subject ( open, closed, answered ) summary of ticket is display.
Hover over maintained to see end date
Hover of SMS Alerts to see time frames.
Can't remember if I posted in this thread.. A DEMO is available - Full details here: