
  • Joined Oct 3, 2022
  • 0 best answers
  • @KevinTheJedi Hi Kevin, just a small update, I went to the database yesterday and found a couple duplicated entries for the auth. Deleted both entries. Went to osticket then submit the form for oauth again, but the issue persists. I wasn't to sure how to fix that database stuff. I think what I did wrong at the beginning that might cause the issue that I didn't update the plugins when upgrade to 1.17.2.
    Anyways, I just set up a new one and able to authenticate with oauth2 with no issue. Everything works now with the new set up and we are happy.

    Big thanks to you and your team for this awesome osticket.


  • Thanks a lot Kevin. Added to Scope of osticket. But issue persists. Let me try a fresh install.

  • KevinTheJedi

    Hi Kevin, I am having the same issue as OP. Could you please show me how to add 'https://outlook.office.com/Imap.AccessAsUser.All' to the Scopes?
    I was wondering if it was simple as copy that link then paste it in the address bar (after it redirected me to the homepage) then press enter or something like this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-configure-app-expose-web-apis

    Thank you.

    • I got the same issue earlier today. Last time it worked on Dec 27 too.
      Thank you all for the your recommendations.
      Didn't realize IMAP check box of the account on M365 admin center was turned off by accident.
      Just turned it back on. All good now.


    • DvDaf


      Thank you so much. It worked for me.

      For future reference, I set up osTicket with IIS and Window Server 2019. I was struggling with this error because I wasn't too familiar with language in the php.ini file. As the solution, I removed the semicolon in the front of curl.cainfo to uncommented it.

      Kind regards,