
  • May 7, 2017
  • Joined Mar 18, 2017
  • 0 best answers
  • It work, almost.That part work: $temp->logActivity("Title", "Message body."); That one executed, but nothing changes and print nothingecho $temp->setState('closed');That code from class.ticket.php function setState($state, $alerts=false) {

    switch (strtolower($state)) {

    case 'open':

    return $this->setStatus('open');

    case 'closed':

    return $this->setStatus('closed');i think that $this may not exist?

  • Thanks, i got the idea. Is there a function to add inner coment before close ticket? 

  • I thought a little about possibilities.I think i can get ticket by asking what i need directly from mysql.But next question how to close tickets after php self-solve it? I guess, i have to duplicate what ost do to close ticket, any helpful direction to file i need?

  • Hello, some of my tickets may be fixed w/o human needs, like: "I did not recive email, pls send it to me again". I want for choosen category after OST create ticket execute some script with provided variables ( i see it like curl with POST var). My script do something and close ticket if success. Does it somehow possible with OST?