
  • Jan 24, 2014
  • Joined Jan 17, 2014
  • 0 best answers
  • I figured it out. There is a disclaimer that I found specific to using the pipe file. Even though I have 5.4 active in php, this is what I had to adjust: If you choose to use PHP 5.4, you'll want to make sure your crons use "/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php" instead, as otherwise it will use PHP 5.2.So for piping in the top hash line becomes#!/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php -qThanks everyone for the help.

  • Just updated to and still having the same problems. Any ideas? Further information for people is I'm running CPanel in a Bluehost hosting environment. Thanks.

  • This error is returned to the sender in email format. This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.---------------------A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of itsrecipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: pipe to |/********/*******/public_html/ticketsystem/api/pipe.php   generated by test@****************.com   local delivery failedThe following text was generated during the delivery attempt:------ pipe to |/************/**********/public_html/ticketsystem/api/pipe.php      generated by test@*******************.com ------<br /><b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in <b>/**********/********/public_html/ticketsystem/include/class.ticket.php</b> on line <b>1923</b><br />------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

  • Hello, I am in the process of setting up a new install of osTicket. I am familiar with the software as I still am running a 1.6 version at home. I have set up my email piping (CPanel) identical as I did for 1.6. However, I am getting this return error:<br /><b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in <b>/*****/*****/public_html/ticketsystem/include/class.ticket.php</b> on line <b>1923</b><br />Here are the stats on my install:Server Information

    osTicket Version


    Server Software


    PHP Version


    MySQL Version


    PHP Extensions


    Used for image manipulation and PDF printing


    Used for email fetching


    Used for HTML email processing and XML API


    Improves performance creating and processing JSON


    Improves performance for non US-English configurations


    Highly recommended for non western european language content

    Database Usage

    Database Space Used

    0.25 MiB

    Database Space for Attachments

    0.01 MiBLooking for any and all advice so that I can get this installed and stable before activating its use in my marketing department. Thank you.