
I'm currently setting up my osTicket v1.15.3.1 and try to translate everything and do multi-language.
Looking good so far, I'm just a bit stuck now regarding the translation of email templates.

Is my understanding regarding the following points correct?

  1. In order to use multi-language for email templates, I need to have separate departments using different sets of email templates?
  2. I can not let the user select the department but this is done via the help topic?
  3. So in order to achieve a fully translated experience for the user, I need to have every help topic twice for the 2 different departments with the different languages?

That is not ideal.
If I could at least decide that some help topics are only shown for specific language this would make it far less clunky.

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Thanks & best regards

You would create a new template for each language.

Go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Templates
Click Add New Template
Give it a Name.
Set Status to Enabled.
Set Template Set to Clone to which ever template you want to copy.
Set the Language to the language you are going to translate into.
Click Add Template.

Go through an translate your Template.

Thanks for your reply.

But the point of my questions was how can I use the translated templates?
My expectation was that depending on the users language choise the corresponging email template is used.
But that is not the case as it seems.

So I need to do it as I wrote in my first post with the different departments and help topics?

That is my understanding.
(Sorry I'm not more helpful on that, I dont use additional languages)

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