Try to open a ticket for this particular user - 500 Error

Try to go into this user from the "Users" tab - 500 Error

I've had this happen to a few other users, but its never a big deal and I just delete them and their 2 tickets.
But this time its happening to a user with hundreds of tickets and I'd like to try to fix it.

Any suggestions on where I can look for errors in the way their account is setup?

I'm on 1.14.3, using AD Sync and Passthru. User recently had a name change, however has been working for some time. Maybe didnt break until the user tried accessing the system themselves?

Let me know what else I can provide if you have any ideas.
IIS 10
SQL 5.5.45
PHP 7.4.13

You would have to compare the account to one that worked and see if you can spot whats different about that account than the other.

Found issue in DB, duplicate records for user_id in the user_account table.

removed duplicate, and problem solved.

Case Closed.

Thanks for posting your solution. I will mark this as resolved and close the thread.

ntozier changed the title to [resolved] Http: 500 Error when trying to access a single user..
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