Hello, I would like to show a new column on the open ticket list. The information that I want to show comes from a Custom List.
I added the custom field related to this list on Ticket Details form.
In Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets: on the Queues tab, I Added the column I wanted, called "Setor", as we can see below:

After that, the new column was not been shown automatically in the open ticket list.
So, in "open ticket list" I customized to show the column:

But after doing that, the system shows the error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InconsistentModelException' with message 'Unable to prepare query: SELECT A1.number AS number, A1.ticket_id AS ticket_id, A1.source AS source, A1.lastupdate AS lastupdate, B2.subject AS cdata__subject, A1.isoverdue AS isoverdue, B3.name AS user__name, B2.priority AS cdata__priority, B4.firstname AS staff__firstname, B4.lastname AS staff__lastname, B5.name AS team__name, A1.team_id AS team_id, B2.setorteste AS cdata__setorteste, A1.isanswered = '0' AS 2GkBZxz, (SELECT COUNT(R0.id) AS count FROM ost_thread Q7 JOIN ost_ticket Q8 ON (Q7.object_type = 'T' AND Q7.object_id = Q8.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry R0 ON (Q7.id = R0.thread_id) WHERE Q8.ticket_id = A1.ticket_id AND NOT R0.flags & 4 != 0) AS _thread_count, (SELECT COUNT(R1.id) AS count FROM ost_thread Q7 JOIN ost_ticket Q8 ON (Q7.object_type = 'T' AND Q7.object_id = Q8.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry R0 ON (Q7.id = R0.`thread in /var/www/ostickettelefonia/include/class.orm.php on line 3467

Someone could please help me? Thanks

PS.: I'm running the osTicket (1.14-git) with portuguese idiom.

1.14-git is not a real version.
I would recommend that you download either the 1.14.6 or 1.15.2 from osticket.com and either 1. copy it over your current files, or 2. back up and delete your current source files and put the ones from the archive in and then copy the ost-config.php back over. This will put you on an actual version and might resolve your issue by itself.

4 days later

Hello. Thank you very much for your support! I updated to the 1.14.6 version, doing the download of the files as suggested and I managed to show the desired column successfully. Thanks!

Very welcome.

I'll mark this thread as resolved and close it. Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question.

ntozier changed the title to [Resolved] Adding new column in open ticket list.
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