Hello, I would like to show a new column on the open ticket list. The information that I want to show comes from a Custom List.
I added the custom field related to this list on Ticket Details form.
In Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets: on the Queues tab, I Added the column I wanted, called "Setor", as we can see below:
After that, the new column was not been shown automatically in the open ticket list.
So, in "open ticket list" I customized to show the column:
But after doing that, the system shows the error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InconsistentModelException' with message 'Unable to prepare query: SELECT A1.number
AS number
, A1.ticket_id
AS ticket_id
, A1.source
AS source
, A1.lastupdate
AS lastupdate
, B2.subject
AS cdata__subject
, A1.isoverdue
AS isoverdue
, B3.name
AS user__name
, B2.priority
AS cdata__priority
, B4.firstname
AS staff__firstname
, B4.lastname
AS staff__lastname
, B5.name
AS team__name
, A1.team_id
AS team_id
, B2.setorteste
AS cdata__setorteste
, A1.isanswered
= '0' AS 2GkBZxz
) AS count
FROM ost_thread
Q7 JOIN ost_ticket
Q8 ON (Q7.object_type
= 'T' AND Q7.object_id
= Q8.ticket_id
) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry
R0 ON (Q7.id
= R0.thread_id
) WHERE Q8.ticket_id
= A1.ticket_id
AND NOT R0.flags
& 4 != 0) AS _thread_count, (SELECT COUNT(R1.id
) AS count
FROM ost_thread
Q7 JOIN ost_ticket
Q8 ON (Q7.object_type
= 'T' AND Q7.object_id
= Q8.ticket_id
) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry
R0 ON (Q7.id
= R0.`thread in /var/www/ostickettelefonia/include/class.orm.php on line 3467
Someone could please help me? Thanks
PS.: I'm running the osTicket (1.14-git) with portuguese idiom.