We're using osTicket v1.12.5 and have problems setting email address for users imported from LDAP automatically (using HTTP Pass Thru). On importing a user whose LDAP 'email' attribute is empty, osTicket creates it with default_email_id=0. Searching through Github, it seems that the issue had been addressed in https://github.com/plch/osTicket/commit/fc11184a3382abc4e47a1ebdfc206166cd6cd495 by throwing importError on bulk users import from CSV files, but using HTTP Pass Thru plugin still causes users to be created with default_email_id=0. We'we checked with version 1.15.0 and the same thing happens. This causes osTicket to give error when email is changed through UI (for users created with default_email_id=0).
Is this a known issue? Any workaround we can use to avoid having default_email_id set to 0?