
This is on our Feature Request list for possible future development.

The mods you have linked are essentially 3rd party hacks that are more than likely abandoned or not updated for the latest version. You will need to contact the developers of the 3rd party hacks for further assistance.


a month later

I wonder if there is any timeline for these two features. They also happened to be our most wanted features in evaluating ostickets.

I know this is far from what you'd like to achieve, but I have a bit of a 'workaround' for my osTicket installation and it actually works quite well.
I basically invoice based on time spent on each ticket, so I added two fields to the 'Ticket Details' form.

One being 'Hours Spent', and the other was a checkbox to click saying 'Ready to Invoice'.

We don't do timesheets, so agents have no reason to lie about the hours spent, so that's not a concern in my case, but appreciate for some it may be.

And I have an install of MetaBase which I use for reporting on figures in osTicket. Our hourly rate is £31/hour, so if a agent puts 2 hours on a ticket and then clicks ready to invoice, it will appear on the dashboard. I then created an SQL Query on Metabase to say 31*hourslogged. This works really well for us. Screenshots below if you're interested:

I don't know if this helps at all... FYI Metabase is open source also!

    I am also working on a CSAT solution, and will share the code if I get it to work 🙂

    5 months later

    If you have purchased a ticket, I think you can track the time on the website. These servers usually have this feature. Every site that provides services for the purchase of specific goods should ensure that the parcel can be tracked. I often order goods from Chinese sites and choose only those sites where it is possible to see the location of my order. This way I know exactly where my parcel is and when it will arrive at the post office. I know [how to track speedpak] [link removed by admin - do not link 3rd party mods] and get my order on time. These services are widespread, but not all of them have good quality.

    10 months later

    TRY THIS...
    [link removed by admin - do not post links to 3rd party mods]

    8 months later

    Hey, we have moved away from both osticket and metabase, but feel free to email me if you want any help and I’ll try and help you with it. My email is adam.berry[at]ajrb.co.uk (hopefully adding this is okay, mods?)
    Haven’t moved away because of issues btw, just because another solution offered a very convenient integration for us.

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