That is the also the CLIENT login page. Not the staff login page. Click "I am an Agent" or add /scp to the end of the URL
i tried other user id and also get 0 row affected
also got denied when login as agent
The picture you attached of the login page is for the clients. Not the Agents(staff). Click the "I am an agent" to get to the agent(staff) login page or change the url to https://URL-ipaddress-of-site/scp/login.php
0 rows still mean it did not run the command. it should come back with 1 row affected. Rows Matched:1 Changed :1 Changed:0 means nothing was changed
the site is not secured, so i use http://locahost/scp/login.php, no matter what i do still get 0 row affected
i am able to query user_id 1 which is the admin password and reconfigure the LDAP, agents is able to login now, thanks for all your help Deadalus01 and ntozier
So it sounds like you are all set. Should I mark this thread as resolved and close it?
yes, you can close it