
I'm having an issue on the client portal, trying to get it to display all messages and responses.

When I leave in:

' WHERE msg_id='.db_input($msg_row).' AND resp.ticket_id='.db_input($ticket->getId()).


//get answers for messages

$sql='SELECT resp.*,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM '.TICKET_RESPONSE_TABLE.' resp '.

' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach ON resp.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id AND resp.response_id=attach.ref_id AND ref_type=\'R\' '.

' WHERE msg_id='.db_input($msg_row).' AND resp.ticket_id='.db_input($ticket->getId()).

' GROUP BY resp.response ORDER BY created';

Under "viewticket.inc" in include\client, I can't see any responses showing from staff members. When I remove:

msg_id='.db_input($msg_row).' AND

however, so it's just:

' WHERE resp.ticket_id='.db_input($ticket->getId()).

That shows responses, but duplicates all staff responses under each reply (in other words, it will look like:

Email 1

Reply 1

Email 2

Reply 1

Email 3

Reply 1


Does anyone know of a way I can get it to show the replies but not duplicate them under each new email sent through the client portal?

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