What happened to this guy, I purchased the license 3 years ago and I have asked him 3 times for an updated version with no response. I purchase the product again just to get something going and have yet to receive the software. Anyone heard from them???
osTicker Reporting tool - software-mods.com
I talk to the owner weekly (he's been working on a new version actually).
You should go to software-mods for support for their software. From the front page of software-mods
Unfortunately I have tried that and also the original email he used to send me the software. Seem to be getting ghosted even with the purchase.
Try his old email address: scott dot m dot rowley at gmail.
[This address used to be on his old web site.]
Not sure what game this osTicker dev is playing, but taking people's money and not delivering the goods is called FRAUD.
So I do not understand the original poster, or your response.
The purchase and and where to dowload is in the window when you buy it.
Also he is not an osTicket dev. He is an independent developer that sells a product that works with osTicket.
That being said when you make your purchase of the product (its done via paypal) and you click the button after finishing the purchase it takes you back to software-mods website and provides instructions on how to download.
Just to make sure I was right I've just bought the plugin from him again.
click Pay now.
Then click Return to Merchant.
You are presented with this page.
You can download the version of the plugin that you need for multiple versions of osTicket, and it provides instructions, and version release notes.
Thanks ntozier. I am aware this is not an osTicket problem, but an issue with the third party dev. Glad this worked for you. We're still down $50 and radio silence from the dev. The "contact us" button on his website is broken too.
I realize he is not on your team, but if I don't click on "Return to Merchant" i'm SOL? Just trying to gain traction so that I can get a product, and or warn people not to purchase a product with 0 customer service and only one way to receive the software is from a nondescript button.
What happened to my lifetime upgrade? What happened to a second purchased product? It is fraud.
Where can I get a link from this receipt?
@hhardy I reached out to @scottro and gave him your email address from the screen shot you provided. He said that he would look for a ticket from you.
@eholcroft with out the email from your paypal receipt there isn't much i can do other than tell @scottro that some one on the forums named eholcroft says he never got what he purchased.
Both the email and the ticket system in my first response continue to work for me. As does his person email address I put in my second reply. (I have just tested them both again tonight)
ntozier thank you for intervening on our behalf. That is much appreciated. We finally got the update. Too bad it took six weeks and a public nastygram for it to happen.
- Edited
I can report similar issues. I didn't know to click the return to merchant link. I took the site at its word that I would be emailed an activation code within three days. It never arrived. I emailed software-mods and used the support form on its site. I never got a response from anyone. I eventually had to go through paypal and have them reverse the charge.
I'd still like to purchase this plugin. But without some kind of assurance that the plugin is still being supported, I'm hesitant to try again.
The reason you didn’t get a reply here is because this is not a support forum for 3rd party mods; only core osticket and core plugins. You need to reach out to the maintainer of the 3rd party mod directly for support (which it sounds like you’ve done).