i want to know if is possible to forward a ticket contenet (text and attachements) to an external email address.
Let me know if it's possible.

Thank you.


You could add a collaborator to the ticket and resend the ticket body.

But there is no means to just forward a specific ticket to another email address (that is not currently on the ticket).

a month later

is it possible somehow to send the ticket ONLY to the collaborator without including the original sender?
This can be useful for example if I need to ask a separate authorization from the collaborator prior to execute the ticket request, and I don't want the original sender to see it.


This is not a feature of osTicket at this time.

Could it be included in the next releases?

You are free to go to github to make a feature request. But I am cannot commit the devs to adding this or any other feature as i do not have the authority to do so since I'm just the forum moderator.

Open a new issue with a title prefixed with [Feature Request] here:

Of course you can just print the ticket to a pdf and email that to your external contact.

2 years later

Sorry to hijack an old thread, but adding a collaborator and resending the ticket body would help in my case, how do you do that?


    An Agent can add any Collaborator above the Response textbox and then use the %{ticket.thread.original} variable anywhere in the Response textbox and that will populate the original (first) message in the reply the Agent sends.

    Additionally, we have a variable that will print out the full ticket thread. You can edit your Response/Reply Template and add the variable %{ticket.thread.complete} and when any Agent replies to any ticket (that uses this particular template set) the full thread will be sent to the configured recipients.


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