I was reading the system requirements to upgrade my current installation to the most recent stable release and noticed that it requires apache, but doesn't mention nginx. I was going to move the installation to nginx and start using that across all of my webservers.

Is osTicket compatible with nginx?

Also, the docs mention migration, but point users to the forum. I am moving my installation from one physical server to another. Besides backing-up the mysql database (duh), what are the other steps? I kind of have some assumptions, but if there is any kind of confirmation on those assumptions, that would be nice.

    maxtim Is osTicket compatible with nginx?

    Yes, there are people that run it under nginx.
    However, I must warn you that there is no support for running osTicket under nginx at this time. It will not work out of the box, and you will need to search through the various issue threads at github to make osTicket work with nginx.

    maxtim esides backing-up the mysql database (duh), what are the other steps?

    That really depends on on your setup. If you use some plugins you will need to make sure that you put those plugins back in. If you are using Attachments::on the filesystem you will need to transfer your attachment folder as well. This thread outlines the process:

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