Try to link 4 tickets toogether.
Check content of "Linked ticket" tab.

You will see that only in "main" ticket , you will fined 3 linked ticket in "Linked ticket" tab.

But when you open this 3 linked tickets, then in all this 3 tickets when you check how many topics is in "Linked ticket" tab then you will se only 1 "main" ticket

Becease this tab is showing "Linked with me" but it should show "Linked toogether"

Could somebody confirm that my observation/findings is correct ?

version of osTicket and PHP?

I've asked the devs to take a look at this thread.


This is intended behavior. Merging/Linking has a core concept of a single Parent Ticket with a number of possible Children Tickets. When you Link two Tickets the Ticket on top of the list is the Parent and any Tickets below it are the Children. In the Parent Ticket of both Merged/Linked Tickets you can see all children, however, if you go to any of the Children then you will only see the Parent Ticket. You can actually change the sort order of the Linked Tickets and change the Parent as well.

Docs "Linking Tickets":


    When I'm in ChildrenTicket then I would like to know how many tickets is linked together.

    IMHO The "Linked Tickets" should show all tickets which are linked to the same "Parent Ticket"
    All I mean all togther also with the one which I just looking in.

    For example if I have 8 tickets linked toogether:

    In this case I can easily say to my client or to my self "We already have 8 ticket with similar content"
    When in all 7 children ticktes I see in the "Linked ticket tab tiltle" that there is only 1 linked ticket then it is not such a important ticket like it would became if also in all 7 children tickets I would see in the "Linked ticket tab tiltle" that there is 8 linked tickets.

    Then every time when agent go in to such children ticket he will see that and he will understand that:
    "Oh.. this is really important because we allready have 8 ticket with similar content, because they are linked"

    You must to know I have about 15000 tickets in my osTicket instalation.
    We have 6 agents (4xITSpecialist, Boss, Accountant).

    In the recent days, the Boss (me haha) started cleaning up the tickets.
    Much was closed.
    Then I started to merge and link. Currently we have about 100 merged, linked ticket.

    But still:
    About 600 tickets is still opened.

    • About 100 tickets is WIP.
    • About 500 tickets are like FeatureRequest - they are waiting for some spare time.

    We need to know which are linked, we must to focus on the linked topics (to resolve, finish them ASAP).

    I know that there is a way to filter them like in the documentation mentioned by KevinTheJedi

    But I do not know how to sort them by "MostLinked TICKET".
    Is there any way to do this ?

    I have also found some strange situation

    I have linked this following tickets

    Parent #1027 has this children: #9762 #13897 #14699

    Children #9762 #13897 #14699 has this #1027 as parent

    #15232 in "Linked ticket tab" showing to me #13897
    When I'm in #15232 and clikc MORE / LINKED TICKET then the pop up shows only #15232

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