Need help with this issue, i'm trying to upload some users (10752) and it only says "Both name
and email
fields are required each time.
Please, help me with this issue...
Need help with this issue, i'm trying to upload some users (10752) and it only says "Both name
and email
fields are required each time.
Please, help me with this issue...
Tried removing header row and got this:
don't really know what else to do
The default is:
jdoe@domain.tld,Jane Doe,1012023434X1111,test
You've got some extra fields there that I presume that you added at Admin panel -> Manage -> Forms -> Contact Information. I would try running the default is see if you have issues with that. If you do not, then the problem is likely with the format.
Also note that if you do not have a variable set for a field it says Only fields with variable defined can be imported. You should go to Admin panel -> Manage -> Forms -> Contact Details and make sure that you populated the Variable field for the ones that you are trying to import.
Lastly you can create a new csv file put a single user in and slowly add fields to their entry in the file and try importing to figure out which field it is bombing on.
Is this the only way? i tried two and it worked, but i have to add 10000 customers and, doing it one by one is a long process, i thought there was a batch adding for one reason lol
I've been trying to add 2500 and doesn't work, then 1250 and doesn't work, then 1000 and doesn't work (always brings me to the "Server is unable to handle this request")
Yes. The reason why you are trying single user is to make sure that format is correct and there are no issues before you add in more users. If it doesn't work with a single users then there is definitely a problem with the format that you are using or with the data you are using. And a single entry is faster and easier to troubleshoot.
I'm not sure how many users can be processed in one go. The most I've personally ever done is around 250 (but that was years and years ago).
Bro, i have the solution, you should save the csv in CSV UTF-8 format.
do it and comment any issue.