I'm running v1.14.3 but also have access to another system running 1.14.2 which exhibits the same behaviour, we have the Auto Refresh Rate set to every minute and some of the users (happens in Chrome, Safari and Firefox) have noticed that when the loading bar appears, the entire page moves down by a number of pixels (2 I believe), they've reported it being visually quite jarring for the eyes, if you are reading text as it happens.

What would be need to make the loading bar float on top of the page, I see in the css file the z-index was set to 2147483647 but that isn't putting it above everything else like I would've expected (I'm not a web developer so I don't really understand it to be honest).

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Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)
Screen shot?

Apologies I said users previously and I meant Agents, and the behaviour occurs when viewing any queue page (e.g. scp/tickets.php?queue=1) that the Auto Refresh setting would affect.

I wish I could capture a screenshot of it, but it only occurs for a split second, when the loading bar is visible, once every 60 seconds. The loading bar appears, the whole page shifts down a couple pixels, the loading bar completes and disappears and the whole page shifts back up to its original position.

Do you mean this one?

Thanks Pavel, yes that's the one, the page refresh loading bar.

A colleague has helped me using The Performance tab Dev Tools in Chrome, and we've actually determined that it's not the loading bar itself, as we previously thought, it just happens whilst the page is reloading.

He thinks that as the css for the Queue headers (Open, My Tickets, Closed etc) is reloaded they briefly lose their padding amongst other things, resulting in the page shifting, as shown in the screenshots.

Maybe change the refresh timer to be longer to minimize how often it happens.

I've never noticed it and/or it's never bothered me.

Either way I have reported this to the devs.

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