osTicket does not officially support PHP 7.4 at this time.
syuhada Firstly, sorry i am new in using Osticket, i am using HeidiSQL to connect with my osticket.
You do not.
HeidiSQL is a 2rd party SQL workbench application. It connects to database servers and databases (such as those in MySQL and MariaDB).
osTicket is a web application that you interface with via a web browser. osTicket talks to the database the same way that HeidiSQL would.
Both would likely use the same credentials to connect to the DB. MySQL/MariaDB us a location based permissions to allow connections. That means that the user had to be granted rights to connect to the DB from where ever you want to use it. so for example if you gave all privileges to username like so:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'username'@'localhost';
It would only allow conections from localhost. If you did something like:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'username'@'';
Then the connection would be allowed from that IP address.
syuhada authentication failure [SMTP: STARTTLS failed (code: 220, response: TLS go ahead)]
[CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
?? what i need to do?
can you post a screen shot of: Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information
What are you using for a mail server? (Exchange? in house / hosted / o365)
syuhada My next question, how to i can connect SSL?
You would want to google IIS setting up SSL to find out how to enable SSL on your webserver.