I had upgrade from 1.6ST to 1.14 successfully in my localhost but it just testing. At the moment I upload to the server, it appear the error message which is "Fatal Error: Contact system adnimistrator." and also another error occur when I try to debug "Error: Contact system admin.". Please help. Thanks

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Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information) since you cannot then look at the server and find out the information webserver, php version, etc.

Also this sort of error usually occurs when it cannot connect to the database. Check and make sure that you renamed the config.php to ost-config and put it in the /includes folder.

Here is the error message.
OsTicket Version : v1.14.2
Server Version : Centos 8
PHP version of server : 7.3
Actually I can‘t even go to log in page. So I don't have much information about the system.
The problem that I encounter was I copy the script and database in my localhost then upload to the server, the error appear.
I only modify the username and password in ost-config which are used to connect host. And change the ost-config user permision to rw-rw-rw.

The problem what I encounter before already solved. Thanks for helping.

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