Sorry if i open a similar ticket but my problem is not solved.

I helped to identify a download manager issue when downloading the translations:
Then is not a download problem.

But, when I install the correct italian language version, some text are in italian, others (the help tips) are in english like showed on this ticket:
On italian file all string is translate correctly.

I checked and all my files and directory have 755 permission.
@assistenza can you explain better how you resolved?
@ntozier , do you think is the solution?

Screenshot of the problem:

My enviroment:


This is a known issue. I have made a pull to address the issue but you'll have to wait for us to merge the fix and rebuild the language packs. This will be addressed once the new language packs are released (most likely once we release the new versions). Please stay tuned.


16 days later

Hi @KevinTheJedi

new version of osTicket or new version of language files?
in first case do you release a minor version in a few time?
waiting the version can I apply your mod on my include/cli/modules/i18n.php file?



Not at this time. Yes, we release maintenance releases in between major versions hence v1.14.1, v1.14.2, etc.

You can apply the patch but it will do nothing for you. The patch is to fix an issue when building the language packs on our end.


a month later


No, you’ll have to wait until we rebuild the language packs. Like I said in my last comment, the issue was with the way we were packaging the languages, not with the software itself.


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