after the upgrade from 1.10 to 1.14.2 I set the System Language to it but a lot of writings are in english.
I try to delete it language, reinstall without oucome:
Can you help me ?
after the upgrade from 1.10 to 1.14.2 I set the System Language to it but a lot of writings are in english.
I try to delete it language, reinstall without oucome:
Can you help me ?
Same problem here with a new installation.
I only set Italian but many strings remain in English, especially the tooltip help strings.
Can you guys inspect the language pack to see if those strings are actually translated? It could be that it was not 100% translated at the time we last built the lang packs.
Upon further investigation, all strings are translated just fine, except for the Help Tips. The Help Tips not appearing is a bug/issue with the way we package the lang pack. I will bring this to the Team's attention and get back to you.
I noticed this anomaly: in Installed language packs in system information there aren't details about the Italian language unlike the others:
could this be the reason for the malfunction?
Did you download the installation package AND the italian language package in one download? If so, please download again only the language pack, nothing else. There was an issue some time ago that in that case, the language files seemed to be corrupt.
Ok I've downloaded only the language pack (different size, 404 Kb against 880 Kb of it.phar from installation package) but the result is the same, in Installed language pack now there are the details of language pack:
but the language doesn't change in frontend
My bad, after the download of the right package there were a problem of owner of some files, with chown -R www-data:www-data html the italian language works fine.
Thank you for support.