Hi, I installed Bosnian language for osTicket 14.2. Flag for Bosnian language is on wrong position in flags.css.
Correct settings for Bahame and Bosnia language in this version 14.2 flags.css is:
.flag.flag-bs {background-position: -208px -11px}
.flag.flag-ba {background-position: 0px -11px}

BS - Bahamas
BA - Bosnia

Maybe flags for this two countries are on wrong places.
Please correct this issue.

3 years later

Hi, I will also add one.

in flags.css / osTicket v1.18 v1.17

/* .flag.flag-kr {background-position: -144px -77px} */
.flag.flag-ko {background-position: -144px -77px}

When I changed "kr" to "ko," the South Korean flag that wasn't visible appeared.

    Wow~ Thank you for the quick response !

    2 years later

    Subject: Correction for Malaysia Flag Position in CSS

    Dear osTicket Team,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    I just wanted to bring to your attention that the position for the Malaysia flag in the CSS file (located at ../css/flags.css) appears to be incorrect. Currently, the following is set:

    .flag.flag-ms {background-position: -112px -99px}

    The correct positioning should be:

    .flag.flag-ms {background-position: -208px -99px}

    This issue has been observed in osTicket version v1.18.2.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you need any further details.

    Best regards,
    yakub Idris

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