
There is any way to setup a list with several items and in that items open another dropdown menu??
An example:
Open a ticket with option dropdown menu where I can select a list of 3 types of equipments, if selected type2, only shows a list of equipments type 2.

Target is have a dropdown list inside in another dropdown list

Any help will be appreciated


This is not a feature in osTicket at this time.

The only way to achieve with (with out coding it yourself and modifying the core files) is to use the top level as Help Topic, and have each help topic have a custom form (with a list on it).


OK, Thanks for the answer


3 months later
6 months later

Goodfay, my first post here. Very very new to OSTicket.
A list in a list would help me a lot.

Can you explain to me wat a Ajax list is? I have a idea buy do not know if that is correct.

Tnx in advance,

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