
I have read the forum posts and the pages on the OsTicket FAQs but still can't quite get this working. My OsTicket is running on a WAMP server on a Windows 2012 OS.

I have setup a scheduled task to run the cron.php file on the server, however, each time it runs I get the windows message asking me how I want to deal with .exe files (select a program to use in the future).

Could someone please advise me on how I should be calling the cron.php file when setting it up in Windows Scheduler? I would very much appreciate it.


This is how I do it under 1.6ST and it should be mostly the same:

1. create a .bat file (you can name it whatever you want. Mine is called ostiicket_mail_check.bat.

2. put the M:\path\to\php.exe -f M:\path\to\osticket\api\cron.php in it.

Make sure that you edit this to fit your installation. example mine looks like:

C:\Progra~1\PHP\php.exe -f c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sitename\api\cron.php

3. create a shortcut to the bat.

4. configure windows task scheduler to call the shortcut.

Thank you for your response.

I have done that, but the PHP.exe window which opens up doesn't seem to do anything. It hangs around for a while and then closes - but no emails are forwarded. I can see that there are email in the inbox ready.

If I run "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe" it opens up a blank PHP command window with "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe" in the title.

If I run "c:\wamp\www\helpdesk\api\cron.php" it opens up a text file with the cron.php text in it.

If I run "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe -f c:\wamp\www\helpdesk\api\cron.php" the php.exe command window opens up black, hangs for a few seconds and then closes again. Again, no email is picked up and added into OSTicket.

I'm really lost here...

4 years later

This worked a treat @[deleted] - thank you! Emails are finally being retrieved.

4 years later
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