I am trying to add all the users of a particular external domain to an organisation but when I'm in the user directory, i select all > more > Add to organisation it doesn't add them all. Am I doing something wrong or is this not available to do in bulk like this? Is there a way maybe in SQL? I couldnt find a "Users" table either.....

All and any help would be much appreciated.



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Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)

It looks like in the UI you can only add users to an Organization one at a t ime.

The ost_user table houses some of the users information including the org_id.

My apologies for the lack of info. Please find attached the required screenshots. Thank you for mentioning the table as this only revealed itself when running a search, not in my actual table view ! It looks like I might be able to associate the users I have with the organisation id easily enough but are you aware of any other places that I might have to change for the update to work throughout or should I simply make a backup and hope for the best ? 😃

thanks for all and any help


I'm not aware of any other changes that would have to be made. But as a caveat to that, I've also never tried to do what your asking before. 🙂

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