- Edited
This MOD leverages the Canned responses system to automatically populate the subject & issue field on newly created staff tickets to autofill. Almost Got this mod in working order...but i can't figure out why i can't get the subject & issue text boxes to populate.
I can easily add the 'response' field in the subject and issue field.... I really don't understand what i'm missing. Attached is a Log of my changes, along with a screenshot of where i'm at currently.
Here are my changes:
ALTER TABLE `ost_canned_response` ADD `subject` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE `ost_canned_response` ADD `issue` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL
Below ',response='.db_input($vars).
',subject='.db_input($vars). //RJS
',issue='.db_input($vars). //RJS
cannedresponse.inc.php - Line 73 ish - ADD
<br><br><div><b>Subject</b><span class="error">* <?php echo $errors; ?></span></div>
<input type="text" size="70" name="subject" value="<?php echo $info; ?>">
<br><br><div><b>Issue:</b> <font class="error">* <?php echo $errors; ?></font></div>
<textarea name="issue" cols="21" rows="12" style="width: 80%;"><?php echo $info; ?></textarea>
scp/js/scp.js - Line 190 - Added lines commented with //RJS
Now this is the section of Code that controls the autofill Feature for the "canned response" text field when you select a canned response. The way it is currently configured it will autofill the Canned response field for the subject, issue and response text field on open tickets ( as shown in the screenshot ). I've tried changing this to to pull in my newly created subject & issue columns...but to no avail. I've tried to change the below to something like... $('#issue',fObj).val(canned.issue); - doesn't work.
This MOD is so close to working, I just don't know enough about PHP to figure this last bit out...Please Help!!
//Canned response.
if(canned.response) {
if($('#append',fObj).is('') && $('#response',fObj).val())
$('#subject',fObj).val(canned.response); // RJS
$('#issue',fObj).val(canned.response); //RJS
Include/staff/Ticket-open.inc.php - Line 216 / 219 ish
Add to existing Text Fields for Subject & issue
I've attached all the modded files from a fresh 1.7 install as well for anyone brave enough to try and help me sort this out.